Local Resources
North Carolina Cooperative Extension
N.C. Rural Economic Development Center
American Dairy Goat Association
Blackland Farm Managers Assoc.
Burley Stabilization Corporation
Carolina Farm Stewardship Assoc.
Carolinas Cotton Growers Cooperative
Carolina/Virginia Dairy Products Assoc.
Eastern NC Christmas Tree Growers Assoc.
Landscape and Ground Management Assoc. of NC
NC Commercial Flower Growers Assoc.
NC Dairy Goat Breeders Association
NC Dairy Industry Promotion Comm.
NC Muscadine Grape Growers Assoc.
NC Peanut Growers Assoc.
NC Nursery and Landscape Assoc.
NC Assoc. of Soil and Water Conservation
NC Certified Sweet Potato Seed Growers Assoc.
NC Greenhouse Vegetable Growers Assoc.
NC Master Gardner Volunteer Assoc.
NC Meat Goat Producers Cooperative
Tobacco Associates
United Federation of Dairy Herd Improvement Assoc.
Virginia-Carolina Peanut Promotions
National Corn Growers Association
NC Natural Products Association